How You Use The Dark Web Everyday

The Deep Web is estimated to be as much as 500 times larger than the surface web, but many people still wonder why anyone visits the Deep Web. Everyday internet users utilize the Deep Web more than they would like to believe...

 Why Visit The Deep Web

The Deep Web is any page that lies behind a username and password. If you watched Netflix today, accessed your personal social media accounts, or even checked your bank account online then you accessed the Deep Web. The Deep Web could very easily be a scary place if your bank account is running dry or if your social media account lost a few followers, but the Deep Web definitely has a crucial part in the existence of the internet. The true horror stories reside in the Dark Web (not the Deep Web). If you're still unsure of what the Deep - or Dark Web is, please check out my other post linked here.

What Is The Dark Web

The Dark Web is a very different place when compared to the Deep Web, here you can find hacked bank accounts, stolen weapons, and questionable drugs from around the world. So, why visit the Dark Web if you don't plan on buying drugs or stolen guns? The Dark Web contains a lot of scary websites but also pulses with small communities and knowledge. These small communities usually hold a similar interest such as dark memes, or how to survive the end of the world.  Imagine a Reddit that had no restrictions at all. This isn't the only reason people visit the Dark Web, however, there are of course very sinister things that go on down in the Dark Web. If you try to access a Dark Web link through google chrome, you won't even be able to load the page. In order to access this place, you need special firewalls set in place so that your computer becomes nearly invisible to other internet users. To do this many people use TOR (The Onion Router), a free service that protects your computer and grants you access to the Dark Web.
According to Motherboard majority of TOR traffic doesn't even reach the Dark Web. Only 3.4% of users who are technologically inclined enough to acknowledge the existence of TOR, actually use it to access the Dark Web. Many fear for their safety and privacy online and use this free VPN (Virtual Private Network) to stay safe.
There are a few other VPNs that can aid you in reaching the Dark Web such as I2P. I2P has both a mobile and desktop version just like TOR. The mobile versions can be found in your google play store (sorry iPhone users, these softwares are not available on iPhone). The desktop versions can be found here and installed in just a few minutes. If you'd like a more in-depth article on accessing the Dark Web, I have both a mobile tutorial and a desktop tutorial using TOR.

Why Visit The Dark Web

The Dark Web ultimately provides users with an added layer of security. This protects them from government agencies and large corporations such as Facebook or Google. These companies are allowed to tap into your phone's speakers or cameras when they feel necessary. They use this ability to take advantage of users and advertise products that they feel the user is more likely to click on or buy. Often times corporations will give users the option to disable this setting but they hide the disable option deep in the settings so that most people never even know about it.
The Dark Web - while smaller than the Deep Web - is a vast oasis for the curious and open-minded. If you wish to visit the Dark Web at some point I'd strongly advise you to use extream caution before entering! Tor is a great layer of security, however, you can run multiple VPNs and really hide your identity. Tunnel Bear,, WindScribe are all great VPNs that hide your location from potential hackers.


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